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William and Mary, large silver medal.

William and Mary (1688-1694), unsigned silver medal, celebrating the authority of the king and queen on the king's return from Ireland in 1690, undated [1690], bust of William right, GVLIELMUS. D. G. ANGLOR. SCOT. FRANC. HIB. REX F. D. P. P. P. F. A., rev., bust of Mary left, MARIA. D. G. ANGLOR. SCOTOR. FRANCOR. HIBERNOR. REGINA. FIDEI. DEFENSATRIX. P. F. A, 62mm (Chevalier p 152; v. Loon III, 429; MI i 687/73). About extremely fine and extremely rare.

The Latin legends translate as follows: William, by the grace of God, King of the English, Scots, French and Irish, Defender of the Faith, Father of his Country, Pious, Prosperous, and August', and, Mary, Queen of the English, Scots, French and Irish, Defender of the Faith, Pious, Prosperous and August'.

This extremely rare medal is undated. Following v. Loon (Beschryving der Nederlandische Historipenningen... etc. The Hague: 1729), Hawkins (Medallic Illustrations... etc. London: 1885), lists it with a series of complimentary medals and suggests 1689 but does note that some of this group may have been struck later (cf note to MI ii 686/70). Furthermore, for the present medal he states that in a contemporary account, (Histoire de Guillaume III... etc,Amsterdam, 1692),at page 152, Nicholas Chevalier specifies that this medal was struck in 1690 on the king's return from Ireland after his victory at the Battle of the Boyne.


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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How will my purchases be shipped?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?

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