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Victoria 1887 proof Two-Pounds struck for the Golden Jubilee

Regular price £3,500
Regular price Sale price £3,500

Victoria (1837-1901),gold proof Two-Pounds, 1887, Jubilee type crowned bust left, J.E.B. initials on truncation, VICTORIA D: G: BRITT: REG: F: D:, the B close to crown,rev.St George and dragon right, smaller date in exergue, tiny B.P. to upper right of exergue, weight 15.95g (DISH P203; WR 290; Dyer 1a/2; Hill.T27; Bull EGC 1313; S.3865).Once polished and cleaned, some hairlines and impaired with contact marks as a result, otherwise good extremely fine.

The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the grace of God, Queen of the Britains, Defender of the Faith."

One of only 797 pieces issued for the Golden Jubilee.

For the most up to date story of the 1887 Two Pound piece see booklet produced by Sovereign Rarities (available by post on request) "1887 Jubilee Head Two Pound Pieces of Queen Victoria" by David Iverson and edited by Steve Hill (DISH) where all varieties are listed in detail.
Also See "Two-Pound Pieces of 1887" by Dyer and Lubbock in "Numismatics: Witness to History - Essays to Commemorate the 35th Anniversary of the I.A.P.N." published 1986.


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