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Scotland, Robert III Groat, 7 arc tressure, trefoil on breast and cusps
Scotland, Robert III (1390-1406), silver Groat, Perth Mint, heavy coinage (1390-1403), facing crowned bust, trefoil on breast, double tressure of seven arcs surrounding broken by neck, trefoils on cusps, beaded circles and legend surrounding, large lettering with saltire and pellet stops, +ROBERTVSx. DEIx. GRAx. REXx. SCOTTORV, rev. long cross pattee, large tri-pellets in each inner angle, beaded circles and twin concentric legends surrounding, outer legend +DnSx. Px. TECTORx. mSx.Ix. LIB, inner legend, VILLA x.DEx.: PER TH+, voided quatrefoil closes legend, weight 2.60g (cf.Burns 19A fig 361A; S.5170). The obverse die with trefoil on breast and seven arc tressue with these legend stops, unrecorded by Burns in his 1887 publication, weak in one part of legend both sides, flan split as far as inner legend on reverse, otherwise very fine and unusual, rare.
The abbreviated Latin legends translate as on obverse "Robert by the grace of God, King of Scotland," and on the reverse outer legend "God is my Defender and my Redeemer" and the inner as "The Town of Perth."
What makes a coin valuable?

I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?