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Richard I silver Denier, Poitou, extremely rare reading with I I for N on reverse
Anglo-Gallic, Richard I (1189-99),Duke of Aquitaine (1172-85), silver Denier, Poitou, cross pattée within beaded circle, Latin legend and outer beaded border surrounding, +RICARDVS REX,rev.three line inscription with beaded outer border, PIC / TAVIE / IISIS, weight 1.04g (Elias 8; AGC 340A dies 1/a R4; S.8008).Toned, very fine and extremely rare with the II for N in reverse legend, no connecting line visible.
The Latin legends translate as "Richard, King" on the obverse and the Latin form of Poitou on the reverse. Three of the four legend variation combinations given in Ford & Withers are extremely rare. The reading with normal letter N on reverse is common.