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Ireland, Henry VIII (1509-47), harp Groat

Ireland, Henry VIII (1509-47), silver of 0.758 finness, Groat, second harp issue (1540-42), long cross fourchee over crowned quartered shield of arms, linear and beaded circles and legend surrounding, hEnR IC VIII D'xx G'xx R' AGL, initial mark trefoil both sides, rev. crowned harp, crowned h to left, crowned R to right, beaded circles and legend surrounding, FRAnCxx Zxx DomInVSxx hIBERnIExx weight 2.43g (DF 204; S.6479). Some small patches of deposit, some light weakness in parts, otherwise a bold very fine.

The abbreviated Latin legends translate as on the obverse "Henry the Eighth by the Grace of God, King of England" continuing on the reverse "France and Lord of Ireland."


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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