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Henry VII gold Angel, class III

Henry VII (1485-1509), gold Angel, class III, St Michael killing dragon with lance, both feet on dragon, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark anchor (1499-1502) both sides, inverted on obverse, upright on reverse, saltire stops and abbreviated Latin legend both sides hEnRIC'x DI'x GRA'x REXx AGLI xZx FRAn' rev ship sailing right, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, h to left, rose to right, PERx CRVC'x TVA'x SALVAx nOSx XPE'x REDExx, 5.13g (cf.Schneider 527/528; N.1696; S.2183). Weak in parts with a light tone, very fine and a rare and interesting die combination not in Schneider, very rare.

The abbreviated Latin legends translate as on the obverse "Henry by the Grace of God, King of England and France"; and on the reverse "By Thy cross, save us, O Christ, our Redeemer".


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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How will my purchases be shipped?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?

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