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Henry VI Salut d'Or, St Lô, mint mark fleur de lis

Henry VI, King of France (1422-53), gold Salut D'or, St Lô Mint, initial mark fleur de lis, Virgin Mary and Angel stand behind shields of France and England, sunburst above, AVE on scroll downwards between, hENRICVS: DEI: GRA: FRACORV: z: AGLIE: REX, rev. Latin cross with h below, lis to left, lion to right within tressure of ten arcs, lis on cusps, legend with mullet stops surrounding, XPC'* VINCIT* XPC'* REGNAT* XPC'* ImPERAT, 3.49g (Schneider 119; Elias 271; AGC 387A-2/a; S.8164). Toned, well round and fully struck, a pleasing extremely fine and of a very fine style.

The Latin legends translate as on obverse "Henry by the Grace of God King of France and England" and on reverse "Christ reigns, Christ conquers, Christ commands." The mint mark fleur de is is indicative of the St Lo Mint, which is physically the nearest of the Anglo Gallic Mints to England being not far from the Channel Islands.


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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How will my purchases be shipped?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?

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