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Cilicia, Tarsos, Satrap Datames, Silver Stater

Cilicia, Tarsos, Satrap Datames (384-361/0 B.C.), Silver Stater. Struck c. 380 B.C. Female head facing, slightly inclined to the left, her hair in an ampyx, and wearing an earring and a necklace, rev. Aramaic legend ('TRKMW'), bearded male head facing right, wearing a crested Attic helmet and with drapery fastened around neck, 10.62g., 2h (Casabonne, Series 1; SNG Levante 79; SNG France 258ff.). A little light die-rust on obverse, toned, nearly extremely fine.

The obverse of this coin was no doubt inspired by the famous facing head of Arethusa produced for tetradrachms at Syracuse by the artist Kimon. It has been suggested that the male head on the reverse could be that of Ares.


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