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British Victories, 1704.

Anne (1702-1714), British Victories, 1704, silver medal by G Hautsch, bust left, ANNA. D.G. MAG. BR. FR. ET. HIB. REGINA., rev. Britannia seated at the base of a palm tree decorated with three shields inscribed, DE GALL ET BAVA AD DONAWERD / DE GALL. ET BAVA ITER. AD HOCHSTAD / GERMANIA LIBERATA HOSTIB FVGAT, in the distance Gibraltar and a fleet, DIVES TRIVMPHIS ANGLIA., in exergue, FRETO. GADITAN. OCCVPAT. CLASSE. GALL. FVGATA. MDCCIV., edge, IN OMNI GENTE, QVAE AVDIERIT NOMEN TVVM, MAGNIFICABITVR SVPER TE DEVS ISRAEL. IVDITH. XIII 31, 40mm (MI ii 270/70; Eimer 411). Old-collection tone, extremely fine, the reverse better.

Commemorating military and naval victories at Donauwerth, Gibraltar and Hochstadt.


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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How will my purchases be shipped?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?

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