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Ancient British, Regini & Atrebates, Epaticcus, Silver Unit.

Ancient British, Regini & Atrebates, Epaticcus (c AD 20-40), silver Unit, Epaticus eagle type, EPATI bust right, wearing lion-skin, rev. spread eagle, standing, holding snake in talons, pellet in ring in field, 1.22g (ABC 1346). Well-centred, extremely fine.

Epaticcus was a Catuvellaunian prince who is thought to have gained Atrebatic territory in c.AD 25, and to have governed it on behalf of his brother, Cunobelin, the Catuvellaunian king. These coins are classed as Atrebatic on the basis of where they are found, and likely to have been struck, but are also sometimes called Catuvellauni on the basis of lineage.


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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How will my purchases be shipped?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?

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